Europe - Road trip start

 Early on the 28th we woke the kids up before the crack of dawn, packed them into the car and headed off on our grand European Road Trip!  The car is well packed but not over packed (for once).  We also loaded up the girls’ iPad with audiobooks, and with their headphones plugged in… we had an eerily quiet ride. 

Our first stop on this trip was still in the UK, Shoreham-by-Sea, to see some old friends: Jo, Simon and their two lovely boys! We also got lucky to have met up with Floyd, another of their old friends, whom we know from previous parties. The timing could not have been better as we arrived just in time for some yummy lunch.  Then we got to explore their new town with a walk though the town to the beach and then up into the hills.  It’s a beautiful area all round.  Along the way, even in the cold weather, the kids wanted to get some ice cream so we treated them to a scoop.  Even some of the older “kids” got some (aka Mish & Simon). 

The day was topped off with another fabulous home made dinner, and great company! The only hiccup we had was on the way to the hotel, the main road to get there was blocked off due to a police incident.  2 of the alternative routes were also blocked off either by the police or by the road being flooded! But eventually we made it to the hotel.  

Luckily the beds were comfy and whilst we had to get up early in the morning, the time changed gave us an extra hour of sleep.  We got up at 6 and hit the empty roads to the EuroTunnel.  Usually we take the ferry across but this time we decided to try the EuroTunnel.  Whilst a bit more expensive it was quick and very efficient.  We even got on an earlier train and made it to France in time to pick up some groceries (French grocery stores are either only open in the morning or closed on Sundays). 

On the way to our accommodation in Amiens (through walls of rain and sunny spells), we stopped off at Le Crotoy for a mandatory lunch of Mussels!  Delicious.  The whole family decided that Mish’s Mussels in Roquefort cheese was the best!  To walk off lunch we strolled through Le Crotoy village and along the beach.  We were nearly blown away with supper strong winds! Le Crotoy is known for being the location where Jules Verne wrote is “20,000 Leagues beneath the sea” novel.  You can definitely see that the village is proud of this fact.  

Sadly we had to leave Le Crotoy, after finding a few Geocashes, and headed to Amiens for some simple dinner and a good night’s sleep.  The beds were soft and we all had a great nights sleep! Some schooling in the morning and finally last journey for a few days, a couple hours drive to PARIS
