Second week on the Road in Namibia


 19 December 2022: Gorrasis and Stellarine Family Hideout Farm

After a relaxing morning at Ronnie’s farm, we headed off to see Duwisib Castle.  It was built by a German Baron and his American wife, it is was meant to be the perfect place for him and his asthma.  They built it in the style of a European castle, but adapted it to Namibian building materials and environment. It was styled in a very European style, and they even shipped wooden furniture and panelling all the way from Europe. At the castle we also found our first Geocache of the trip (we completely forgot until now).

From the castle we hit the road again and got to Namibrand family hideout after stopping at Betta for some ice cream to cool off.  The Hideout Farm, whilst it has no internet it has an unlimited 360 degree spectacular view from the house!  Its in the middle of a grassy plain, surrounded by mountains in the distance on all sides.

We had a lekker afternoon nap, read our books and the kids entertained themselves with sand and toys.  Before sun set, we had a lovely evening walk along the dirt track, with girls practising handstands and cartwheels all the way! Sunset did not disappoint and provided a range of oranges, purples, pinks and blues against the backdrop of distant mountain ranges.  Walking made us hungry, and to combat that we had a delicious sosatie (skewer) braai for dinner.

After dinner we climbed over the shallow garden wall and lay 4 across on the sand dunes to gaze at the stars. Stars under the African sky really are the magic of Africa, made even more outstanding when you can’t see a single light around and there is not a cloud in the sky.

Kids in bed and adults sitting round fire embers we were treated to seeing 2 spotted genets walk right through camp looking for titbits.


20 December 2022: Gamis Farm

Woke up shortly after sunrise and in an effort to keep up the fitness Mish and Robyn went for a run – that’s pretty difficult though sand dunes at 6:30am and when its already about 30 degrees. Had a little bit of a standoff with a gemsbok!

Quite breakfast coffee while looking out to the waterhole, just beyond the porch, at about 50 gemsbok and springbok all drinking their fill for the day. Mountains hazy in the background and hundreds of sandgrouse flying overhead.

Packed up camp and were on the road by 9:30am. First stop was Hauchab – Natural pools and waterfall. This is where the Zebra and the Touchab rivers meet and have gouged the natural pools into rock. Kids dipped their feet – cool but very refreshing!

Second stop was Touchab river camp where the owner is a welding tinkerer and a master at bringing everyday items together to make imaginative animals and people. Stopped to admire the artwork, and purchase an ice-cold beverage and some homemade garlic bread.

Last stop before camp for the night was Neuras vineyard and oasis. The oasis was exceptional and totally not what you would expect in the middle of the desert, a shady, cool oasis with fishes and boat surrounded by reeds. Clearly good for the grapes as vineyard appears to be doing well.

THEN… we hit the rollercoaster road! 60km of going up and down on the way to Gamis Farm.  The afternoon was spent on home-schooling and swimming in the farm’s reservoir.  Maxine was a bit hesitant at first but soon settled and was soon swimming like a dolphin!

As per normal now, we had a Braai for dinner!  This time with pap & sous and salad.  The girls were treated to toasted marshmallows too.  It was decided that Mish was the BEST at toasting them!  The sunset colours were amazing once again.  Once the kids were down, the adults enjoyed an Amarula aperitif as our treat – Its been a really long time, but very delicious!. 

21 December 2022: Gamis farm to Flintstone Camp

The night was a restless as the generator was turned off, and our Mozi protection got turned off (Mish managed to kill at least 5 during the night as we found out when we made the bed in the morning).  The beds were also very uncomfortable! So we woke early and made tea/coffee/hot chocolate for all.   After a breakfast of fruit and yogurt, we packed up and had an hour drive to Solitaire where we set up “camp” and got some home-schooling and Mish’s work done.  Delicious pastries for lunch and girls had a blast feeding ground squirrels peanuts out of their hands!

We then headed to our nights accommodation called the “Flintstone Camp” at  Rooiklip.  Along the way we saw 2 warthogs – love the way their tails stand completely erect when running away!  Also saw a Steenbok.  The last 8 km is nicknamed the “Highway to Heaven” according to the owner this is a treacherous road, as is the ascension to heaven, its a difficult road, taking nearly 30 minutes to cover the short distance.  The Camp was pretty awesome and quirky – built into the rocky outcrop and with a pretty view. It was well equipped and we stayed in Fred and Barney huts.  We had a yummy dinner of pork chops, wors, smash with gravy and sauerkraut.  Its evident that tonight was the last night camping before Christmas (all the leftovers and shelf life items from the camping box).


22 December 2022: Swakopmund

Not a great night as it was really warm and not much ventilation against the rocks.  We woke up early with the girls and sorted everybody with hot drinks.  Robyn and Mish had a quick shower and hit the road by 7:30 to get to Swakop.  The long drive started with the tricky Highway “from” Heaven!  But we made it in the end, in time for Mish to start work and Robyn to start on the laundry pile.

Harriette: Long long Drive, arrived and had lunch with Christa.  After that we decorated the house for Christmas.  “Spa-ge-ti-blow-your-nose” for dinner.  A very fun day!

Maxine: Had a two and a half hour nap in the car!  For lunch we had chicken, bread and veggies.

The afternoon was spent on home-schooling, followed by taking the kids to the beach.  They went swimming in all their clothes, and did 100s of cartwheels in the water too!  Grandma was not well with earache and neuropathic pain.  Therefore Grandpa and Robyn sorted dinner and food shopping.  Kids requested Spaghetti Bolognaise.


23 December 2022: Swakopmund

Started the day with a visit to the Green’s new residence (still being built) in the Swakopmund Retirement Village (SRV).  It’s a lovely spot and a well thought out house that we think will do Mom and Dad well for “retirement”.

Harriette: We baked cookies with Christa.  We made everyone a cookie present and they were delicious!

The rest of the day was spent either on shopping, home schooling and playing!  The girls had a blast once again on the beach.  But at least this time the girls were better prepared with their swimming costumes.  We wrapped up the day with some home made pizzas and great company.





