Madagascar - 4 September 2023

After a yummy breakfast, we headed off to the Isalo National Park.  Once we picked up our local guide we set off on our 7km+ hike.  

Whilst the surrounding area is incredibly dry, the valleys are lush green and filled with water.  So we started our walk up one of the valleys until we got to a cascading waterfall.  It was stunning! Along the way we spotted a few lizards and a snake.  Also we learnt more about the termites that live in the trees.  Unlike ants, they borrow through the bark of the tree to get to the ground, as they are scared of predators attacking them, this includes the ants. 

After the waterfall we headed up and up out of the valley on to the mountain plateau above.  All you could see is just dry grass, rocks and scorching sun.  But yet even in that environment, there is lots of life to be found, such as more lizards, scorpions and birds.  Maxine, with her sharp eyes, found a stick insect, that perfectly matched the bush it was in. 

Eventually we crossed the plateau to another valley and headed down into it.  After walking up the valley we got to some beautiful natural pools.  Luckily we brought our swimming costumes and the girls went for a dip in 2 of the pools. One was called the Black pool and the other the Blue pool, black due to depth and temperature, blue was much shallower and a lovely temperature. 

At some point we had to dry off and head back down the valley to head back home.  It was only near the exit did we finally come across some lemurs.  Not just one species but 3.  This included our ring tailed lemurs, the red-faced brown lemur and a new one call the Verreaux’s Sifakas.  These last ones were fascinating, as they are one of the ones that walk on their hind legs (all the others so far use all four limbs to walk on the ground).  So when they do walk, it looks like they are dancing.  Absolutely amazing!

Back at the hotel, we grabbed a late lunch and the girls jumped back into the pool for another evening of swimming.  The rest of the evening was very relaxing, which we will need as tomorrow we have a 250km+ car journey… 
