Wales - Back home for a few weeks

Laundry, laundry and more laundry.  It took us a few days to get through all the laundry from our Scotland adventure. Add to that, we actually have a busy few weeks ahead of us.   

It starts with our friends, the Purdies coming down from Devon to visit us over the first weekend at home, followed by Harriette’s friend Scarlett (with her mom and sister) coming over for a sleep over and then Maxine’s friend James with his mom.  Without much rest, this was followed by a very wet camping weekend with Mish’s friend Melissa and family.


Hence after 2 hectic weeks we were anticipating a calmer further 2 weeks with our Japanese friends Aki and Kirara.  We had a great week together spending time on the beach, visiting castles, and enjoying Wales.  

Unfortunately we had to cut the visit short as Robyn’s Aunt passed away in South Africa and we had to move our flights a week early.  It was a bit of a rush to get everything ready, including Mish finishing rebuilding the back fence to make it to our flight to SA.  Luckily Aki was very understanding and we have some very supportive neighbours!    


The week before, I had been very excited to see our friends from Oxford, Scarlett, Sienna and Stacey (their Mom).  Darren (their Dad) wasn’t coming because he had work to do.  Finally, they arrived, after a half day wait and a three hour drive, at around noon.  We had some lunch, mini sandwiches, then we caught up on lots of things since we last saw each other.  

Then, we suddenly decided to go down to the beach for a while because it was sunny, a rare and lovely occasion in Wales.  On the way there, Scarlett and I took some paper and pens and made a beach scavenger hunt for everyone.  When we got to the beach, we went on a nice long walk along the beach, crossing off the things on the scavenger hunt.  In the end Scarlett won and everyone else came second (me too!) but everyone was happy. 

Next we came home and had delicious homemade pizza with scrumptious ice cream sundaes covered in sweets before going to bed. Me and Scarlett stayed up for about half an hour and then went to sleep. 

Unfortunately, we woke up at 5:30am and couldn’t go back to sleep although we attempted to.  Later in the morning we went to our local park and had a wail of a time there before finishing the movie we had started the previous night: The maid’s mansion.  

For lunch we ate fabulous cottage pie, our favourite.  When the time came to say goodbye, I hugged Scarlett soo tight, not wanting her to leave.  Together we waved them goodbye. Sniff sniff. 


My friend James left to Mexico when I left to Wales.  James and his mum, Julie, came for a visit to see his friends in the UK.  They stayed with us for one night and we had a special treat of burgers and hot dogs for dinner.  James LOVED it.  Harriette mostly did her own stuff but James and I played with my mannequin, his cardboard battle bots, our magnet shapes, mini cars and a game called laser mirror maze (an obstacle course using mirrors to hit the snowman with a laser).
