Vietnam - 30 April 2023

Our flight to Ho Chi Minh was only at 12:25, which meant we could sleep in a bit. At least the parents, as even with a late night for the kids, they still got up at 6 in the morning. It was a leisurely morning, and after a late breakfast, we headed to the airport. 

After a short flight, we are in the south of Vietnam and the temperatures are a lot higher here.  35C vs 24C from Hoi An, but just the same amount of sticky! The humidity is killer…  We were glad get to the hotel with A/C and relax for a bit in the cool. 

A little later in the evening, we headed out into city to explore.  We completely forgot that it's a Sunday, we are losing track of what day of the week it is from all the travelling. This meant that some of the things we wanted to see were closed, like the Central Post office with its colonial architecture and ornate decorations, or covered in scaffolding - the Saigon cathedral. 

A little disappointing, but we did accidentally stumble upon festivities.  

Today marks the 48th anniversary of Unification (of North and South Vietnam), essentially today they mark their victory of the Vietnam war with the fall of Saigon (renamed to Ho Chi Minh in 1976).   It means that the streets are full of people, music and celebrations.  It was interesting to walk through the streets with many live performances.  

The girls loved one part where kids games were organised.  Even this far from home, we recognised lots of games like: tug of war, slipper wanging, wack-a-ceramic pot, pick-up-chopsticks, rice-sack-races and hopscotch.  

The girls were are also little super stars.  We had a few people ask to take a picture of the girls with their own kids.  We think it must be the blonde hair…

We made a round walk that took us back to the hotel.  The girls were definitely tired after a few late nights in a row, and as the next few days will be busy an early night is in order to catch up on some sleep. 
