Harriette's Camping in Namibia

 Harriette's Namibian Camping Adventure with Grandparents

August 2022

Days are boring...

For the past two days we have been sleeping in the annex, shopping and packing for our camping gear.  Yesterday Rocky came, it was Saturday, she was just playing with us.  We had a tea party, did jewellery making for a good few hours and I learned how to weave baskets out of grass. 

Leaving for camping

Today was Sunday and finally we left home at around 11:15. We had a long long trip.  Mostly I read my Sherlock Holmes books but I also saw lots of animals.  We had lunch on the way there and when we finally arrived we immediately put up our tent and gear.  Then we read more books and best of all we learn how to use a cati (a catapult/slingshot hence the name) it turned out that I was an ace at it and I practiced by shooting the dustbin (it annoyed Maxine a lot, I mean a LOT).  When we went to bed it was 8:30 PM and very very cold.  We had a good night! 

Game Park Etosha

Today was Monday, we had to wait dreadfully long because of our granddad‘s meeting. It was around 9:30 when we started packing and around 10:15 when we left for Etosha [Where we would be for two nights] When we finally arrived it was lunchtime we had a lovely lunch then went to check-in to our chalet.  They were right by the waterhole. AMAZING! Next we went game driving through Etosha all afternoon.  They were some very stunning animals such as elephants, zebras, springbok, kudos, birds and many more.  When the evening finally rolled around we went to the waterfall to watch the animals drink.  We saw elephants, giraffes and some guinea fowls.  Finally we had dinner out and went to sleep. 

Camping in Etosha

Today we went off to have a delicious egg and bacon breakfast at the restaurant. Then we did some more game driving and saw some more amazing animals. We definitely saw a lot more birds today. When we arrived at our campsite we had an ice cream. It was nearly lunchtime so we set up the tent and stretchers then went to the waterhole before lunch. After lunch me and Maxine read for a while, then we decided to walk up to the water hall and guess what we saw? Elephants! A massive herd of 36. We watched the elephants for a long while - the babies were so cute! After a while we knew it was time to go back to camp and set up for dinner. After we sat at the fire and watched some people come walking back from the water hall. We asked that if there was anything interesting. They said there was a white rhino. So off we hurried to see it. Unfortunately when we got there it had just left. We watch the sun setting for a few minutes and then decided to go back to camp. Dinner was roast chicken and toasted marshmallows for pudding. After dinner we went to bed.

Ongama camp site

Breakfast was strawberry oats. We packed up and left to head up East through Etosha. On the way we saw two elephants, white wildebeest and a white rhino. Near Namptoni  camp we saw an African wildcat – they are really really rare especially in the day! The one we saw was black - midnight black. We filled up the car, had ice cream and moved onto our campsite. Lunch was at camp - we had cheese grillers. Our camp was called Duiker camp. The swimming pool was cold, so no swimming. After lunch we set up our stretchers with a mozzi net because we were sleeping under the stars tonight. When I went to fetch some firewood, I burnt my thumb. In the evening we had macaroni and cheese and marshmallows then we went to bed under the stars.

Roy’s camp

We woke up with sunrise but the cold kept us in bed a bit longer. We packed up before breakfast then had scrambled eggs and bacon and went to the office to sign out. On the road to the gate we saw a leopard – it must have been my lucky leopard top I was wearing today!

Our next stop was Guinas Lake, it was very beautiful with water clear enough to see the fish swimming. Unfortunately not many people go to see it. The water was very warm and Maxi and I put our feet in. The fish tried to eat my toes! Next was a fuel stop and a bit of shopping in Tsameb and then a lunch stop at a picnic table. Great fun but we drove past the shop by mistake. Next was Roy’s camp. We went to check in - found bungalow six and seven were available and there was camping available. The campsite was bursting with people in a great big bus so we chose to go with the bungalows. We moved into the rooms.  

Me and Maxine made five roses tea for us and made ourselves comfortable. Roy’s camp is a little higgaly-piggaly camp full of bungalows and campsites decorated with signpost with really cute cleverly recycled ornaments. In the bungalows we stayed in, they used a car boot for a braai. The swimming pool overflowed out of a bathtub.  We made a fire and started cooking dinner with wine and a cup of tea. Later we had to hastily eat our dinner so we would not be late for the Bush babies that they fed at the bar. When we were watching the tiny furry little bundle about 5m away we got a drink and I asked the man what they fed them. He said apples and sugar, they did not eat the apples but they devoured the sugar. Did you know that a bush baby can jump nimbly over a meter? We returned to camp to find something had licked our dirty plates...We thought that might be a cat but later in the night we decided it was actually a mongoose. We ate our Apple pudding and went to bed.

Mobola camp

Today we woke up early at Roy’s camp. It was a long day ahead of us and an early start. I was dressed and packing up in an instant. Finally when we were all awake.  Me and Maxine made tea and coffee for everyone. Then we finished our morning chores [including packing]. We loaded the things into the car and went to breakfast. I had two fried eggs, toast and bacon. Next we said our byes and started off for Mobola camp. First stop Rundu. For shopping [boring!] Rundu is a cute little town. The house and shop are all cute little mud huts we did our shopping and went on to Mobola. We reached Mobola just before lunchtime. Then we chose a campsite and had lunch. After lunch we set off on the suspension bridge. It was a pirate bridge! As you can imagine it wobbled and swayed like mad. We had a nice walk on the island, then came back. We went for a nice long swim and came back for dinner drinks and bed. We fed lots of birds – one even ate out of our fingers! Then we went to bed.

Ndhovu camp day

Today we got up extra early to watch the sunrise and listen to the birds. We had breakfast, packed up and left Mobola. Finally! For 10 o’clock it was only 12:15 when we arrived at Ndhovu for a drink. Did you know that Ndhovu means elephant. Before we got there we stop by Popa Falls. It was a beautiful part of the river with rapids. I got some good pictures of it. After seeing the Falls we had an ice cream before our destination. Whilst we we’re drinking on the deck we saw some hippos! Next, we did some game driving and saw, a group of sable, [they were very pretty] elephants, lots of warthogs, lots of birds, impala‘s and a new type of Impala. When we stopped for lunch we fed the moppane  squirrels bread and carrots. They are small brown fluffy and very cute. When we got back to camp we had a nice long swim, did the washing and had a braai for dinner and went to bed.

Buffalo camp

This morning we had oats and fruit, for breakfast. Then we had some drinks down at the camp deck and worked out what we had seen so far. Next we had lunch and I did some weaving while Maxine slept. Finally we went to get our boat across the river. Then our game vehicle was waiting for us, we were sort of uncomfortable because it rattled and shook as we moved. We sat at the back and saw lots of buffalo and elephants. The buffalo were waiting for the elephants to escort them across the river to avoid the crocodiles. It was very funny to watch the elephants coming up out from under the water to find a buffalo next to him. We also saw lots of kudu, crocodiles [some big some small] warthogs, impalas and birds. We saw monkey [vervet] close up. We even saw a lioness panting at the side of her kill [a sable cow] so she had just sat down to catch her breath after the chase. We drove on to see the other animals and stopped for sundown. I got grapetiser for the first time. Then we went back to find the lioness but she was missing. Boniface (our guide) followed her tracks and we found six lions in the tall grass. They ran out when we disturbed them, we followed them for a short while before heading at high speed back to the boats. We saw a beautiful sunset covering the sky. Back at camp it was overcrowded but we hastily ate spaghetti and went to bed.

Kiasosi camp

This morning we all woke up at sunrise and squished together 4 in a bed. Got up breakfast and packed up. Headed the 200 km down a gravel boring road towards Rundu. We went past the blueberry farm. Got some vetkoek, which were delicious. I must get the recipe! Arrived Kiasosi and before anything, we went to the play park, got wet, changed into costumes, swam, ate and drank. Met a new friend from Windhoek and played together for most of the afternoon. When it was 5 o’clock we went down to our boat trip. It turned out not how we expected. We only saw one crocodile and some birds. The sunset was beautiful, so it was fun none the less. When we got back we had a late dinner and then went to bed.

Hoba meteorite and camp

Today we had breakfast and then we played in the park and said goodbye to our friend. We left camp after our granddad had finished his meeting, we had a long car road drive. It was made extra long because we got lost. When we finally arrived at the Hoba meteorite we had lunch and went to see it. Did you know that it is the world’s largest known meteorite? Also did you know it is massive, made of mostly steel and many people had tried to saw bits off? The steel is stainless steel. It was around 3 m long and 1 m high. 
When we swam we found it was too cold for Maxine but not me! I swam! Then we set up camp followed by dinner, ribs yummy! Marshmallows and bed under the stars, it was very cold.


Today we left camp and saw a group of banded mongoose, five kudu and three steenbuck. In the reception there is a stuffed lion. We collected our key went to our room for lunch. Before lunch we put out some bread for the franklin (birds). There were baboons in the park too. When we put out the bread we saw a mongoose, we wondered where it’s family was because they normally live in groups. Next we fed it and out popped the others, they were so cute and there were 11! Then we went on a long hike expedition. It was a boulder hopping Rocky Mountain goat walk. I thought it was very fun. Next we had a drink and a paddle in the pool. Then we came back and guess what we saw? Banded mongoose!!! We fed them bread, there were 17! Then we had dinner at the pub and bed.

Home again

Today we got up and got ready, had breakfast then signed out and left for the road. We had a fairly boring trip for most of the way I played games on the iPad. We got home and had lunch and unpacked the car. After lunch me and Maxine had a swim, also we did painting, had dinner and went to bed.
