Wozny Family Adventures

3 - 2 - 1 Take-off!

Departure at Heathrow airport

Finally after many years, we have started the first phase of our Family Adventures!  It’s time to see, experience and learn from the world as a family.  First stop is Malta to see the Green side of the family and then onto Namibia to go camping in the bush! But first whilst in heading to London, why not see a bit of London that we have not seen before: Battersea Park and the surrounding area.


3 - 2 - 1 TAKE OFF!!!

Harriette’s Entry

After a long  journey we arrived at the hotel, we checked-in to our flight for tomorrow.  Then we dropped off our luggage, to be able to go to and explore Battersea park.   The park was really fun with an adventure playground (we played there for a while) and a great children’s Zoo.  My favourite were the short clawed Asian otters, I loved a very playful one, he was playing with a stone. We also saw the meerkats and many more animals. 

On our way back to the hotel we found 2 Geocaches, and a pub, where we each ate a burger for dinner. They were MASSIVE!  We finally made back to the hotel and crashed into bed.

The next day, after a long queue at the airport and delays we finally flew to Malta - lots of hugs for Grandparents!  

Maxine’s Entry

We went into London today.  We went to Battersea Park. I wanted to go to the zoo. So we looked everywhere until we finally found the zoo.  Harriette wanted to see the otters, so we went to the otter enclosure.  They were asleep, Harriette was upset she couldn’t see the otters.  

We went to see the Meerkats.  There was a baby meerkat about a month old. It was very cute and annoying its mother by being playful.  We went back to the otters and this time we saw them.

Huge burger

After the zoo, we walked along the river side to a pub where I ate a burger nearly as big as my head! 

After a long day we collapsed into bed at the hotel. The next day we went on an airplane to Malta, to see Wawa, Da and uncle Rex. 

Follow us on instagram @woznothere

