Europe - Bern

 On our way to Bern, we decided to take a more scenic route, with 2 stops along the way.  The first was going to Liechtenstein, and the castle that overlooks its capital city, Vaduz.  We got treated to a beautiful view and some lovely sunshine, making it a perfect stop for a picnic lunch.  After a quick drive through Liechenstein, after all its only around 25km long… then we headed back into Switzerland and headed to our second stop.

Harriette really wanted to get a Swiss Army knife, as every young girls should be ready for anything and a Swiss Army knife is a necessary tool to have.  Hence we decided to spoil the girls and went to their HQ, and their factory shop for the girls to pick out their Xmas gifts.  The adults also picked up a few things for ourselves.  The selection of knifes was staggering, and honestly they have one in EVERY COLOUR!

After the detours, we eventually made it to our accommodation that turns out to be an apartment on a working Swiss farm, with the cow shed just 5 meters away (along with the smell).  Hard to get more authentic that this! Once we got quickly got settled in, we headed to Robyn’s friend, Roslyn’s, place for dinner and a general catch up.  It’s been years since we last saw her. 

Over the next 2 days we got to spend some fun quality time with her, doing some Interesting things.  One day we went into the Swiss mountains for a hike, apparently a very Swiss thing to do. 

And it was in one of the small mountain hamlets, Ros found an incredible little restaurant, only 1 room, and abut 7 tables, but had a roaring fire and a chalkboard menu that changes frequently. We completely pigged out on Fondue and raclette.  Luckily we were on top of a hill, and we could just roll down hill back towards home.

Ros also found a fun way to explore Bern, doing a Chocolate tour.  We were astounded but how much chocolate history can be found in Bern, including it being the birth place of some iconic chocolate companies, such as Lindt and Toblerone!  It is also the place where the conching process was invented, that transformed chocolate into the form that we know today. Beforehand it was all pressed together, giving it a more gritty texture, we even got to try this old style chocolate on the tour. 

It was lovely catching up with old friends both over cooking dinners together and doing fun things.  A great way to wrap up Switzerland, as Italy is next on our list. 
