Madagascar - 5 September 2023

Setting off early this morning we headed off towards the west coast of Madagascar.  Along the way we stopped off at a hotel to find a Geocashe.  We searched high and low for it, before it was pointed out that it was sitting RIGHT in front of us.  It was so obvious that we missed it. 

Further down the road we stopped by another park Zombitse (and no it’s not a Zombie park).  There we went on an hour(ish) walk around the park, finding a massive chameleon, a few birds including a Coua, a sleeping Spotted Lemur (sleeping cause its nocturnal) and another family of Verreaux’s Sifakas.  

After lunch we drove onwards towards the coast.  We only had one more stop along the way at a little village that specialised in making Rhum.  It was a very interesting operation.  They ferment sugar cane and tamarind in big metal barrels, out in the open, and then distill it.   They used a hollowed out tree trunk with a copper pipe running through it to condense the vapour into rhum.  

We got to our hotel at around 19:00, and we soon realised that the beach and sea is just a stone’s throw from our rooms.  Literary only 35m away.   And what really made it, was being able to order pizzas, we all had a craving for one which quickly got devoured.  

We have 3 days of relaxing before we head out again.
