Madagascar - 30 August 2023

A short entry today as we spent just under 10 hours travelling around 270km to Ranomafana National Park. That is an average speed of 27km/hr or 17miles/hr. The reasons for this “speedy” pace was a combination of our slow bus and the poor condition of the road.  The pot holes we encountered were sometimes bigger that the mini bus itself! 

We did stop along the way to see a wood carving workshop. It was interesting to see the craftsmen working on various types of wood.  The most interesting one was their rose wood, that changes colour to a deep red when carved.   

Down the road from the wood workshop, we found little restaurant for lunch.  They even had entertainment…  A 3 person band and a troupe of 4 male and 4 female dancers, dancing and singing local songs and performing traditional dances.  

The rest of the trip took us through the rolling valleys and farms.  We eventually arrived at our hotel in the dark and very tired from the journey.  So after a late dinner, we just crashed. 
